Thursday, 1 August 2013

First runner beans and courgettes

The courgettes seem to turn into mini marrows overnight!  One day they were proper courgettes, a downpour and a couple of days later and they were these.  Whatever, they are perfect and my first so will be thoroughly enjoyed.  variety F1 Green Bush

Here's the first handful of beans - not exactly masses but they have to be picked to keep the others coming so that's OK they will add to today's veg.  Perfect again - not a mark anywhere.  variety is Scarlet Empire - Yes, I have got that right they aren't Scarlet Emperor.

No photo, but we also ate a golf ball sized strawberry each which was delicious.  This time I had to flick off a dreaded field slug - but I got to it in the nick of time.  The downside of the rain I guess. The big black slugs we usually see around don't do that much damage, they tend to eat the rotting stuff but these little fawn coloured beasties are the worst:

Field Slug  (Derocereas reticulatum)

The Field Slug
Field Slug  (Derocereas reticulatum)
The Field Slug is an­oth­er small slug, grow­ing up to 4cm (1½”) in length. It’s light­er col­oured than the Garden Slug, usu­ally grey or fawn with dark speckles. It has a whit­ish sole and a short ‘keel’, or ridge, on the back of the tail end.
The Field Slug only feeds on the sur­face but will vir­u­lently munch its way through most ve­get­a­tion, and is of­ten found nest­ling among the leaves of lettuces and cab­bages.
Of all the com­mon garden slugs, the Field Slug prob­ably causes most dam­age.

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