Granny Bonnets
Last year I grew hundreds of granny bonnets from seed. A friend brought me some packets back from her visit to Giverny.
I also told them they would have them in their garden forever and every one would be a surprise as they hardly ever repeat themselves.
I was overjoyed by this prospect as I am sort of turning my borders into semi-wild and want to plant anything that will self-seed and fill in every little spare spot before the creeping buttercup and grass does.
Here are five of the six plants that have appeared this year. Seriously, I have a grand total of six plants. My friend, the giver, has a zillion!
That said - aren't they just lovely.
Please, please let me have a million more next year.
This is the one I actually have duplicated. Obviously the toughy of the bunch!
This looks mucky coloured here - it is actually the colour of claret and gorgeous.
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