Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Quick flit

Twelve o'clock I threw a couple of baking spuds in the oven for our lunch and we went to the lotty to pick some lettuce .  I decided as we were going any way I might as well take some canes to help out the broad beans before they get any taller and fall around even more than they are already doing.

I hope this construction is the answer.  I should probably have tied each one to a cane???

We also took long canes with us to finish off the fruit cage - posh name for a bit of four quid netting, but it does the job just fine.

I sort of regret putting down the weed suppressing stuff because I could have used all that spare space this year.  Mind you it would have been a pig to put in the membrane after the strawberries were planted so I suppose it was the right way to go about it and I will just have to imagine the strawberries and rhubarb filling the bed eventually.  Always assuming the rhubarb doesn't get stuck in a bin - with or without soil!

My plan with the strawberries is to take runners each year and grow them on for one season and then replace one side of the bed so eventually there will be a four year rotation going on with the stock - each side in turn each year.  Four years is as long as you should keep strawberry plants.

We got back home with fifteen minutes to spare - where does forty-five minutes go when you are in the garden?  Yes, we did remember the lettuce leaves and they were lovely.

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